Museum clubs at Ancient House

History Club

After-school club for children aged 6 to 11 years old. Explore history through hands on activities including handling real historical artefacts, meeting costumed characters and going behind the scenes at the museum.
Every Wednesday during term time, 4-5.15pm. We ask children to commit to a half term at a time.
Children need to be dropped off at the museum at 4pm and then collected at 5.15pm
For further information call 01842 752599.
To add your child's name to the enrolment list please email
Free membership
THC Youth Group
Every Friday during term time, 4-6pm. Hosted at Ancient House Museum, Thetford. For ages 12 to 25.
Explore history and museum related activities such as filmmaking, curating and costumed events.
Projects are decided by the group - in the past, we have created a First World War Murder Mystery, an exhibition exploring LGBTQ+ history and an escape room.
Read more information about THC Youth Group
Knit and Knatter

Join us to knit, natter and have a cup of tea or coffee. Warm yourself in front of our range in our 1901 kitchen on cold days or enjoy the cool of the Tudor Hall on warm days.
Free but donations welcomed.
Ancient House hosts two Knit and Knatter sessions per month from 10am-12pm.
The sessions run on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of the month.
Find out more about Knit and Knatter dates.
Please call 01842 752599, email, or book online for Knit and Knatter.
Mardle and Make

Bring your craft projects and spend some time working on them in good company with a cup of tea or coffee.
Free but donations welcomed.
Advanced booking is encouraged to ensure Covid safety.
Please call 01842 752599, email, or book online for Mardle and Make.
Learn to Spin
If you would like to learn how to spin yarn on a traditional spinning wheel, contact the museum either by calling 01842 752599 or emailing
Heritage Collective

Free club for 13 to 25-year-olds taking place at Thetford Library. Get involved with creative activities inspired by the historical collections from both Ancient House Museum and Thetford Library.
Starting 10 September, meeting every Tuesday during term time, 4 - 5.30pm at Thetford Library.
Free membership. Public transport reimbursed. Email to join.